Joining the dots to turn ideas at the interface between medicine and technology into reality

Online Community Insight Paper

What we do

UEZ Cambridge

We catalyse connections which spark collaboration at the interface between medicine and technology, tapping into Cambridge’s unique ecosystem to enable partnerships, innovation and future growth.

By strengthening inter disciplinary bridges between academia, industry and healthcare we facilitate real-world possibilities: transforming innovative ideas into tangible outcomes that benefit society.

Our community

Connect: Health Tech builds on Cambridge’s rich history of scientific discovery and world leading innovation ecosystem to create positive interventions related to Health Tech.

We use our online community to support and implement new ways of collaborating across physical and biomedical/life sciences to drive innovation.

Our partners are key stakeholders across Cambridge University and the cluster and through this community you can discover, meet and collaborate with members from across these groups and audiences outside of your sector, discipline or research areas.

Connect through our community so you can:

Source Funding Opportunities

Source Funding Opportunities

We help connect entrepreneurs with appropriate funding schemes, investors and incubator and accelerator programmes

Make Connections

Make Connections

We help you to meet and engage with relevant researchers in medicine, physics, technology and engineering or connect with entrepreneurs and businesses in Health Tech

Find Collaborators and Experts

Find Collaborators and Experts

We provide a gateway to access the knowledge, expertise and skills needed to catalyse your project from concept to commercialisation

Find Events

Find Events

Connect and network with like-minded people at a diverse range of events across the Cambridge cluster and beyond

Source Funding Opportunities

Source Funding Opportunities

We help connect entrepreneurs with appropriate funding schemes, investors and incubator and accelerator programmes

Make Connections

Make Connections

We help you to meet and engage with relevant researchers in medicine, physics, technology and engineering or connect with entrepreneurs and businesses in Health Tech

Find Collaborators and Experts

Find Collaborators and Experts

We provide a gateway to access the knowledge, expertise and skills needed to catalyse your project from concept to commercialisation

Find Events

Find Events

Connect and network with like-minded people at a diverse range of events across the Cambridge cluster and beyond

Our partners

Powered by super-connectors and well-established networks at the University of Cambridge and beyond, the Connect: Health Tech community draws expertise and inputs from across the cluster, including academic institutions, NHS Trusts and business partners. The aim is to deliver a thriving online business and enterprise community that connects stakeholders and showcases Cambridge as a test-bed for novel models of innovation to accelerate the design, development and testing of the diagnostics, devices and therapies of the future.

Our aim is to enable more entrepreneurs, businesses, researchers and investors to connect with us in Cambridge to address the global challenges we currently face in Health Tech
Prof. Andy Neely, PVC Enterprise and Business Relations,
University of Cambridge
Prof. Andy Neely

Recent report

The Connectivity Mix

As we look to the future, transformative healthcare solutions are increasingly found at the interface between medicine and technology. Linking diverse perspectives across disciplines and regions can accelerate our capacity to generate innovations and overcome the challenges to reaching end-users successfully.

The Connectivity Mix addresses the opportunity for a networked approach to UK life science and health tech. By looking beyond traditional network boundaries we can support a dynamic ecosystem that fosters knowledge exchange and collaboration.

Informed by research and enhanced by interviews with experts from a diverse range of backgrounds and disciplines, this Ecosystem Insight looks at connectivity as a tool for strengthening our impact and catalysing health tech innovation.

Open the Report

Success stories


Connections count in development of rapid testing system for bacteria in drinking water

Contaminated drinking water affects a tenth of the world’s population and current water testing equipment is bulky, expensive and takes at least a day to give results.
WaterScope have utilised interdisciplinary collaborations and networks across the Connect: Health Tech UEZ community to create a technology that identifies early-stage bacterial contamination in less than six hours.


Interdisciplinary working key to solving biological cell-based challenges

Semarion harness the power of the Connect: Health Tech UEZ community to develop revolutionary cell assays/carriers for use in novel research and clinical settings. Find out more about their journey and why the right support is critical to move from concept to commercialisation.


Innovative diagnostic technology stimulates collaborations and attracts inward investment to Cambridge

Inivata’s ambition is to provide accurate analysis and practical benefits to cancer management:from oncologists to patients. Find out how a personal tragedy became a catalyst for a physicist to develop a non-invasive liquid biopsy for cancer patients, transforming the potential for tumour profiling and personalised approaches to cancer care.

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Contact us

If you want to get in touch to discuss Connect: Health Tech, please email us using the address below or complete and submit the contact form.